
For Adepticon I’m building a 1000 point Nurgle Warriors army for tge Rodgepodge event. The Gore-grub chariot will be a centerpiece to this force. 2015/01/img_4715.jpg

Rather than have a Gore-beast pulling a chariot in a conventional manner, I think that a massive resurrected swamp-grub, enslaved in undeath by the foul magicks of Nurgle, toting a Howdah would be very in theme with a highly mutated Nurgle army.


The body of this model is made from a tinfoil armature and layered with super-sculpy and Apoxie-sculpt. The details are primarily done with Greenstuff.


Check out my insect leg tutorial to see how the legs were achieved: Sculpting Insect Legs

The crew for this beast are coming together. More on them later!

Project Update

Bolt Action – I have plans for a panzerpioneer platoon for Bolt Action and have scored some armored infantry & a Panzer IVh model!  I am doing some light conversions on these to give some of the panzergrenadiers camouflage smocks and helmet covers.  The Warlord Games German halftracks are fantastic models!

Warriors of Chaos – I am revising several of my Warrior units to add some large model unit fillers to bulk out these units.  I also am aiming to getting my blood Demonprince finally painted!!

11th Hussars for Flames of War – The 14 odd Humbar and Daimler armored cars for my British in the Desert army are mostly assembled.  These should be a blast to play.  I need to finalize my 1500 point list and get some games in while I am painting this.

PAVN for Flames of War ‘Nam – I’ve been painting a bit of PAVN armor which has been fun.  What I really need to do at some point is to get my support teams for the infantry locked down.  I have some materials for some Vietnam Terrain as well which  needs to be built.

Slannesh Chaos Space Marines – I got these guys up to a table basic paint scheme for Adepticon, but they are taking a back burner until I get some of these other items settled.  They are off to a great start however so I can’t wait to continue on them.

Warriors of Chaos: Return of the Prince & Chariots

There is a new Warriors of Chaos book out for Warhammer Fantasy Battle.  They have dragged me back in!  The good news is that this has motivated me to get back into some of the half-baked models that I created for previous incarnations of my WoC army.  Several of the previous conversions and sculpts that I created are going to get some attention, some new details, and finally… painted!  The two first items in the hopper will be the winged Tzeentch (sometimes Slannesh) Demonprince.  I love this model.  It’s one of my favorite creations and now with the new book actually has a great deal of utility in the game.  The flying Tzeentch DP was my MVP in the one game that I have played in the new army book.

One new item added to the book is the Gorebeast Chariot.  I have the perfect model for this unit!  When I initially got into doing WoC I determined that having chariots pulled by evil looking monsters would be fantastic, so I made this guy;

Apparently GW agreed with me and gave the warriors a new type of chariot.  This guy is going to get a bit of an overhaul.  New base, new riders (who don’t look like they are about to fall off the chariot) are going to happen.  I will probably add some more armor here and there to give the chariot some more meat.

It has been very satisfying to get back into the WoC, I am not going to lie.  It is also good to get back into this army and try to get it completed after many years!

Spring Update!

This joint has been a bit dead lately.  I have been super slammed with painting, sculpting, tournaments, and of course tons of real life.  Adepticon has come and went, and it was a fantastic time this year!!  I was able to bag best painted with my Soviet Heavy Assault Gun Regiment for the Late War tournament!  This was a great accomplishment for me.  I have never won a painting award before, and it was great feeling to get that plaque!  I will have to get some proper gallery shots of my Russians up here soon.

I am painting some critters for my friend’s Descent boardgame.  It will be nice to paint something a bit different, and casual like that.  The sculpts kind of lack something to be desired, but I may be able to fix up some of their weaker details through the painting.

The Warhammer High Elves have finally begun!  This project has been on the back-burner for nearly 2 years!  I am excited to get a start on this, and with an aggresive deadline looming, I will need to hussle!  I have been taking some breif shots of works in progress on my Seaguard for twitter… check em out:

SeaGuard Work in Progress

SeaGuard Work in Progress

SeaGuard Work in Progress

Some brief thoughts about the new WFB books, and the Tomb Kings release

Hot on the tail of the new Orcs & Goblins release from GW is a long overdue update to the Tomb Kings!  These two books are also a good indicator of things to come with WHFB army books.  The books have a new format, hard cover, full color, 8th ed. style spell list, and a higher price-tag.  These new books are quite pretty.  They really create a feeling of craft and depth as compared to the pre O&G army books.  I had often wondered at the graphic design, layout, and editorial choices in earlier books.  These elements made the earlier books feel like an afterthought to the miniature production (durr… but must it be so blatant?)

Naturally, the big news on the internet has been the price of these books.  The last army book I bought (high elves I think) was in the $25.00 range.  The new style of books comes in at $37.25 MSRP.  A lot of digital ink has been spilled on the subject, so I won’t rehash much of it here.  Feel free to poke around dakka, twf, or what have you if you care to catch up on that debate.  Both sides have solid points.

The thing about these new books that strikes me, is that it seems that GW is taking it’s product a bit more seriously.  That is a good thing.  Initial reviews of the O&G book describe it as pretty fair in terms of balance.  It’s not silly-powerful (its not another ‘Demon Army Book’ is the phrase I keep hearing), and it doesn’t seem overly soft either.  The distance between books like Skaven, and Beastmen, which are also fairly recent releases, is less than some of the previous books in terms of power.  I hope this trend continues.  It would be nice to see some parity occur between the factions as imbalance is quite an albatross around the neck of the hobby.

I made an attempt to digest some of the changes in the new TK book.  I was somewhat successful at this, at least as much as my limited attention span allowed.  Some things that popped out at me…

  • The general feel of the new book is that all the favorites from the previous books are in there as well as a slew of new options, giving the tomb kings quite a lot to choose from.  A lot of the basics changed very little in my opinion.  Some items like the Casket of Souls has new mechanics that work in harmony with the more standard mechanics of the game, which is nice.
  • Monster-mash:  Not unlike many of the new books, there are quite a few monsters, and other large model type items to choose from.  Sphinx-critters, snake people, and the like.  I have a feeling that this trend may have it’s roots in trying to attract a younger audience to the game.  The latest models that GW has been putting out have been pretty fun, so I call this a win win.  Their affect on the game has been toned down since 7th ed. as well, which is nice.  Monsters are fun, but not the no-brainers that they used to be.
  • Ushabti update:  For a bit there it seemed that the Ushabti were going to be dropped, at least that seemed to be the rumor.  Well, it isn’t true.  They are still in the book, and they have a option to take great-bows, which I think is pretty slick.  Long range, high strength, and can volley fire like other bows.  This in addition to the ‘arrows of the asp’  (or whatever the rule is called, always hit w/o modifiers) has some potential.  I can see a 6-9 block of Ushabti being a very versatile (but expensive) unit.  I’d run them.
  • A particular character stuck out to me… It is some sort of pissed off tomb-prince that when attached to units gives them hatred.  I really hope this guy isn’t a special character (simply because they aren’t my style), because I like modularity that this type of thing provides an army build.  In any case, I am glad to see GW moving towards a system that employs well tested, common abilities, and traits that are re-used throughout the game, rather than the ad-hoc mechanics that cause confusion, imbalance, and rules conflicts.
  • Skeleton Warrior models:  As of yet, these aren’t getting an update like the VC skellies did (which are fantastic).  This is the only thing I can find to cry about.  The existing TK skeletons are a bit long in the tooth.  They have the cartoon proportions left over from the accursed red-period.  Bah, maybe this will change.  The tomb-guard are getting some new models, however.

All in all, I am more excited about this release than I have been about others.  The new models are sick… and for the haters out there, give them a chance.  GW’s paint schemes on the site leave something left to be desired, but in person, I think they are very solid.

Gamer’s expectations

One thing that I have noticed about gamers over the last several years is that their perception of what is fair, or right in terms of gaming vendors has become pretty dramatic.  If you frequent forums dedicated to GW games, you will find wailing and gnashing of teeth posts about everything from miniatures not being produced fast enough, to miniatures being produced too fast, and any number of conspiracy theories about how a particular faction is being given the shaft for whatever reason.  Anytime there is a new release, there seem to be as many comments that are negative about what isn’t being made, not updated, or how it was updated as there are displaying enthusiasm about the new release.

I’ve been noticing this in communities dedicated to other game systems as well.  Privateer Press’s forums were quite a sight when Hordes, and then MkII (which I think was an improvement to an already great game) were released.  I think that this happens when a game reaches a certain threshold in popularity, as is happening right now with Battlefront’s Flames of War.  BF recently released, as a magazine supplement to Wargames Illustrated, a booklet with forces for playing FoW in Vietnam.  In addition to this they have also released 18ish different items for the new time-period.  It seems that some of the people who play WW2 FoW aren’t too happy about this.  There is an impression that new releases for a different time period will limit how much is created for FoW’s traditional subject, the 2nd world war.  This is probably quite accurate.

I think it is important to point out that these complaints have been growing on the BF forums for some time now prior to FoW:Vietnam.  If it wasn’t Early War releases getting in the way of Late War stuff, than it was Market Garden-centric items holding up stuff for the Eastern Front.

Sometimes people’s issues don’t have anything to do with a certain time period, faction, race, or product.  They just want to have the marketing itch scratched, and to have something new to drool over, whether or not they will buy it.  I get as excited by NEW as much as the next person, but I don’t feel that anyone owes it to me.

At the risk of getting tangential, this all ties in with the way that gamers/hobbyists love to critique the business moves of the companies that they patronize.  It seems like every change that happens that isn’t directly related to a person getting shiny new stuff, is considered a bad case of falling-sky.  Recently there was a debate at Black Sun Games over the ethics of GW producing plastic models, considering that there are some people who like metals.  Despite the fact that plastic models are vastly more popular with average gamers, the individual who brought this up determined that GW ‘screwed’ the people who liked collecting metal models, especially ones that went out of print.  His perception seemed to be that GW had an obligation to keep producing models in metal, and not to stop casting older designs.  Usually these sorts of comments are relegated to the safety of the internet, where the consequences of ones comments are significantly less severe, so I was a bit surprised to have this conversation in flesh and blood.

This hobby gets people excited, and I understand that.  We invest a great deal of time, energy, money, and love into it.  There are occasions where game companies do some bone-headed things that drastically affect the ability of gamers to continue with their investment in that companies product (Chris at Garagehammer brought up a nasty example with the way that GW changed, for some reason, the way that units had to be based in Epic 40k, which caused some serious trouble for gamers with older armies).

My own rant about my expectations will end now, but I really wonder what some people would say if they could hear themselves while crying over their keyboards, several months down the road when the new shiny has become considerably more dull.

Upcoming Projects…

New WoC pics, and PAVN/VC for FoW coming soon!

Midwest Rampage is right around the corner!  I have two items to resolve before this event, wrapping up key units for my Warriors of Chaos army (Hellcannon), and to finish up some terrain pieces that I am creating for the tournament.  Some previously started models will be making an appearance at this tournament, such as the… nope… its a secret.

In addition to collecting a PAVN/VC force for Flames of War:Vietnam, I also decided to build an air-mobile force as well.  One of the options that the US can take in Vietnam is a UH-1 Huey ‘Slick’ which acts as an observer for off-board US artillery.  It occurred to me that it would be cool to have this unit represented as an OH-6 ‘Loach’ helicopter instead of a UH-1.  I have not been able to locate a suitable 15mm (or even 1:100 scale) model of the flying egg, so I think it may be interesting, and educational to try to make my own.  I have a pretty solid plan as to how to accomplish this, and it will be interesting to try to model a vehicle, and to do so accurately.  The vast majority of my sculpting experience has been limited to fantasy subjects, which are very organic, and have less need for precision.  Watch this space!

green tide

green tide bottle

Mantic games has some nice pics of some of their new Orc range.  While I have really appreciated what Mantic has been up to over the last several years, I have to say that I have not been very blown away by their models.  Much of it was awfully skinny, and under developed looking.  I have really been impressed at what they have tried to achieve in terms of miniature design, but much of it has simply fallen flat for me.

The Green Tide approaches….

The Green Tide descends…….

These shots of the Orcs are an exception to this.  These are some sharp looking sculpts!  If they can carry this level of detail, and design into the rest of the line, this will be monumental for them.  They have a built in audience, and with GW’s new Orc book release, I think this line could do very well.  My only complaint, and its a small one, is that I feel that they weren’t creative enough with these sculpts (well, primarily the boar-rider).  One thing that I would like to see other manufacturers bring into games is variety, which will expand the world of whatever game they are used in.  In this case, they look a lot like the GW orcs.  For some people that is perfect I am sure, as it will allow them to mix models from the two ranges without any of them seeming out of place.

Great work Mantic!  Keep it up!